It took a long time to get my first RR. As a small child, I always wanted to live with a canine friend at my side. I read books about dogs and looked at every dog I met on the street. I occasionally managed to bring some stray dog home, but the rest of the family didn’t share my great joy in saving a potential pet. And so my dream came true when I was an adult... In 2008, my husband and I bought our first Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy named Nabia, with whom we soon discovered the magic of dog shows. We expanded the family in 2013 with another member of the pack, Efia, a redhead, who can literally read your mind. After the unexpected departure of our first female dog somewhere over the rainbow, we brought a two-month rebel named Naira home to Efia. The little intruder soon became Efia's best friend. Now our pack consists of two Ridgeback females, who are inseparable and bring us joy every day...

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Litter "A" February 2020

We proudly present Muugi x Naira.


pregnancy confirmation

Pregnant ? Yes, she is.... The puppies we expect in February 2020 !


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